Thursday, October 15, 2009

Rush Limbaugh gets a big NO THANKS Rammed down his throat by the NFL & St. Louis Rams turns there backs to him

OK here goes... I purposely waited until the St. Lois Rams considered Rush Limbaugh a "complication and a Distraction" enough to tell him no thanks to his bid to buy the NFL franchise St. Louis Rams. Better to move them back to Los Angela's and let Al Davis own the team than give it over to a blowhard and a hypocrite like Rush Limbaugh.

Rush you gotta be kidding., I mean what were you thinking attempting to drop your big fat hat into the NFL ownership ring? I think it was all a publicity stunt to increase his rating for his radio show and bring attention to himself. He cannot be that naive as to think people would stand by idly by and let him have the privilege of owning an NFL franchise. I mean does he suffer from memory loss (possible side effect to pain killer abuse), or does he just figure he is so important that people would ignore the things he has said and stood by in the past and say "oh well green money is good money mon"

Rush Limbaugh has the nerve to say "this is about the future of the United States of America" please give me a break. YES, EVERYBODY has the right to buy whatever they like in America and EVERYBODY can say what they like (almost) in America but EVERYBODY can also stand up and say hell no I won't go to a Ram's game if he is the owner IN AMERICA. That is precisely what would have happened if the NFL and the St. Lois Ram's allowed a hypocrite and a blowhard like Rush Limbaugh to own an NFL franchise in St. Louis.

Hey Limbaugh stick to Conservative political radio shows where the only people who listen to you do so to hear what ignorant comment will be coming out of your mouth next. You are simply the Howard Stern of political radio and this attempt at publicity and attention will hopefully last as long as your fleeting bid to own the Ram.s....less than two weeks. by Marc Serota/

1 comment:

  1. I can't agree with you on this one when the permitted person in the group trying to buy the Rams is none other than the Anti-American Socialist Puppet Master (holding onto the strings of Barack Hussein Obama) George Soros. Oh yeah, didn't he even admit to having consulted with Nazi's and help confiscate property from the Jews in Hungary when he was young? I wonder why the media isn't talking that one up too much. I think you need to open your eyes to the possibility that Rush was ousted in a political play versus a business scenario. And whether you agree with his politics or not, the system was used and abused by a more powerful political machine than Rush's. THIS holds a much more dangerous ramification to "the future of our country" than the "blowhard" owning a piece of the team. If it were purely a matter of a business decision to replace Rush, there could be no sensible rejection. But this is not a business decision. This is purely political muscle obliterating the American system of capitalism. So to use your words, instead of a "hypocrite and blowhard" like Rush Limbaugh they have allowed an anti-capitalist, pro-socialist, anti-american "hypocrite and blowhard" like George Soros.
