Friday, October 30, 2009

Ande Agassi you must be book tells of drug use..why now...MONEY? really?

Andre Agassi is coming out with a new book ok sounds good, but hmmmmmm now he is revealing that he used Crystal Meth for a period of time around the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta and lied to the ATP after failing a drug test. He is now after all this time coming out with this and putting a black eye on the tennis world that served him, his wife and his family so well. I mean where was this admission when baseball players where being raked over the coles (and deservedly so) for there steroid abuse and NFL players are filling up prisons for vehicular homicide (well some only do 30 days) and other flaws in judgement.

I mean first off METH really???? isn't that a white trash cocaine? with all your money Andre the Great how about doing the real thing. Again why now....I'll tell you (probably 7 figures) and with you making 100 million in your career do you really need the money that badly now (if your Antoine Walker maybe). I just feel that a man in his position stood to gain allot more than money by coming clean when he actually went clean instead of setting the example that keeping quiet until after the 7 year statute of limitations by the ATP is up is a cowards way out. Looks like Mark McGwire and Barry Bonds are the only ones your setting an example for Andre.

photo and blog by Marc Serota/RRA

to see many of Agassi's career moments in photos go to:

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